The biggest need right now!

 Large Transportation Vans - Approximately $20k USD Each

From Pastor Christian:

I do believe that this is the most important thing because it is fundamental to everything we do. Food and hygiene products we can buy, volunteers we can have but how do we take them in Ukraine without a good car. Also we are filling 4 vans of aid a week and although it is hard to cover financially, we can still manage, but to buy a van is way beyond our abilities. Actually, all the vans we ever had at the church were bought them with a budget of $10k because we could not afford them, but because they were old and used, they cannot last long or take long rides. To go to Sighet (Ukrainian Border) is 12 hours round trip, to go to Cernauti is anywhere between 24-30 hours round trip, and most times loaded. That's why this time we prefer to buy a new one... because we get 4 year warranty and also because the second hand vans are the the same price like the ones we want to buy and it is new.


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